Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Would you be willing to switch outta the fast lane for just a moment, take a breath, sit down and have a talk with Me? Not about plans for the weekend, or what he said she said they said she heard from Joe Schmoe, but about your past, my past, what shaped you into you, and me into Me. Through the course of my existence (if that’s what this is), I have extensively researched my mind & looked thru every crevice, crack & corner I could possibly come across. I have analyzed every aspect of Me, and as I attempted to further prompt my developing understanding, I’ve bumped into Hypochondria, shook hands with Anger, had a talk with Anxiety, and a few too many drinks with Depression, only to find this search as endless. It seems the more I am aware, the more I find myself unable to trust, or rather confide in anyone but these Friends I’ve made along the way. Ultimately, only they perceive me as Me. The most strenuous part of this quest was coming to terms with my heart, to wholemindedly accept that I was in fact, searching for an answer to a question without answers, then surrendering all of my acquired perceptions. As a firm believer of disregarding anything and everything that doesn’t benefit Me in one way or another, such as what started off seemingly as small as a Google search, I knew it was time to bid farewell to my only Friends who truly knew Me. And yet I still owe it to these now ended friendships, to have the pleasure of admiring happiness from afar. Please do not misunderstand, this talk will not be meant for you to pave your road to happiness. Simply said, it would be the only way for me to come into slight contact with the friends I dearly miss. I hope you will not mind that I would be in a sense reading you like a book, using you like toilet paper, then dumping you like trash, but you could very well look at it as a mutual benefit. After all, that is what life dwells on these days. It’s a food chain of mind games, and only the strongest survive, feeding off each other, taking from each other, giving to each other, fruits of thoughts, veggies of experiences, meat of philosophies. And it’s overwhelming, the thought of how all of these combined causes you and I to think the way we do, and how upon realization, chances are, it will change the way we live completely. But you hesitate to even signal to the right, and eventually you stay on your lane of misguided fortune and fame. It’s a shame, people fail to take me seriously.

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